Why this Project?

The Appengine Project Apr 05, 2020
Open the webapplication

The D2O app engine is kinda like an ultra light Framework as a Service (FAAS) it helps develop small web applications, check out the Application Gallery to see the currently deployed app's.
ps. If you are not a newbie, this platform is probably not for you ;)

Ultra light means the platform is not suitable for high traffic applications. I hear you asking, if this platform was not intended for real world applications then what was your aim when you where building it?
Well, I myself learned the basics of programming during college and I can say that putting up 'Hello World!' on a command line is really cool for about 2 minutes.
After that you want to start creating cool stuff like a Web application or something like that.
While there are lots of nice tools and frameworks around to get you started. Sharing your freshly build app can be quite a hassle especially when you are new to the field of Software Development.
With this platform I aim to provide a framework to Learn, Collaborate and Share. Therefore all projects on this platform are open source.

Fair use policy: There is only one limitations on ussage and storage at the moment. Procedure executiontime on the backend may not exceed the 10 seconds mark.


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