
Tracepaper by Draftsman

Tracepaper is the successor for the Appengine, its focus is modeling concepts and serverless deployments. It is my largest pet project yet. There are more than 30 posts written on teh Draftsman blog (October 2022) . Go ahead and take a look.

Draftsman Blog

The AppEngine project

The D2O app engine is kinda like an ultra-light Framework as a Service (FAAS) it helps develop small web applications.

Why did you build it?
Well, I learned the basics of programming during college and I can say that putting up 'Hello World!' on a command line is cool for about 2 minutes. After that, you want to start creating cool stuff like an e.g. Web application.
While there are lots of tools around to get you started. Sharing your freshly build app can be quite a hassle.

The AppEngine project

Het Aelser Revue Archief project

Deze site heeft als doel een compleet digitaal archief te vormen van de Aelser Revue. Ieder jaar heeft zijn eigen sectie en bevat:

  • Wiki-pagina
  • Video registratie
    Edities ouder dan 5 jaar behalve 1977 & 1978
  • Upload sectie
    Video/Fotos met wiki sectie en reacties.
  • Reacties
Het aelser revue archief project
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